Event management software provides nonprofits with a cohesive platform that improves overall productivity by helping charities streamline operations and develop best practices.
The importance of best practices
Top Nonprofits stated that when there are standardized policies and procedures available to nonprofit staff, workers can perfect their skills rather than experiment with a variety of approaches. This is particularly helpful for any newly hired personnel learning the ropes of an organization. Instead of hearing a variety of solutions to a common issue, all employees should be following the same guidelines.
“Instead of hearing a variety of solutions to the same issue, all employees should be following the same guidelines.”
Organization and division
Nonprofit leaders should also heed the advice offered by Angela de Burger, a communications manager at YMCA Canada, who told Nonprofit MarCommunity that separating a project into sections is the key to productivity.
“If I need to complete a particular project (ie: writing a report) that requires background info (ie: stats/quotes), I split the job into two parts: research and writing,” said de Burger.
This makes seemingly difficult and time-consuming projects much more manageable. In addition, if delegation is an option, don’t be afraid to ask for help. See if a portion of the whole task can be directed to another department who may be able to perform it better or with more expertise.
Avoid multi-tasking at all costs
Classy, a nonprofit marketing blog, noted that while multi-tasking might be an appealing option to increase productivity, it can actually be detrimental to efficiency. Those who regularly juggle multiple assignments at once have greater difficulty differentiating important information from irrelevant statistics, transitioning into new tasks and organizing facts mentally. This is not a great mental space to be in when running or working for a nonprofit organization.
Monitor spending
The Nonprofit Times stated that the Stanford Social Innovation Review encouraged investing in a strong system for tracking salaries, overhead costs and general expenses for any organization looking to improve productivity. Routinely check in on what it costs to train new employees and volunteers. When the funds earned by an organization are going to the right places, the charity functions more efficiently.
Don’t forget personal time
Many nonprofit leaders and staff members are familiar with the hectic days and full schedules that accompany a job in this sector. Making time for small breaks during the day is important, as is eating well, sleeping enough and exercising regularly. Even a five minute walk can refresh the brain and body. Overworked eyes and minds don’t operate as well as rested ones, so make time for personal breaks.
This also means eliminating distractions. It’s hard to shut out social media, email inboxes and friendly interruptions during the day. Giving in to each one can throw off a work flow. Find ways to get rid of these disruptions, whether it means working from home every now and then or placing a ‘busy’ sign on the office door. Set aside time devoted only to a particular project and don’t deviate from that plan.
Use to-do lists
Starting and ending weekdays with a to-do list is a great way to stay on task and remember everything that comes up over the course of the day. Often, requests or assignments will come up in the middle of another task. Rather than trying to recall it later, write it down on a to-do list. At the end of each day, review the items that were completed and the ones that still need work or haven’t been touched. This helps employees plan for tomorrow. Reviewing this list first thing in the morning sets a motivational tone for the rest of the day.
Establish a measurement system
Nonprofits have to be able to monitor their progress over time. This requires the strategic and diligent collection of data, insightful interpretation of this information and a reliable methodology for acting on the results accumulated. Event management software can help nonprofits better understand their output and impact on a community. This type of platform makes planning for fundraisers simpler, as reliable data on costs, available funds and volunteer databases are available to plan events accordingly. Plus, volunteers and donors are crucial to any event hosted by a charitable institution. Event management software makes supporting the cause easier for constituents, and thus more productive and successful overall.