People crave stories, and one of the best ways to tell your nonprofit’s story is through a blog. Blogs that incorporate human interest pieces, relevant statistics and social trends will leave an impact on supporters. A nonprofit’s blog pulls at donors’ heart strings, mobilizes individuals to act and brings in donations. While it’s not always easy to put the pen to paper, it’s worth it.
Blogs strengthen connections with supporters
Blogging is an ideal way of connecting with constituents, donors and other supporters. When people know how a nonprofit impacts a community, individuals are more likely to donate. It’s important to put out a quality product. Nonprofit Hub recommended making the blog posts about the supporters. Mention how they are helping and show appreciation for their contributions and support.
Not only does blogging help retain donors, but it also secures new ones as well. Current supporters have the opportunity to share blog posts with friends and family on social media. This will expand a nonprofit’s donor base even more. Additionally, blogs benefit nonprofits’ search engine optimization endeavors. Wired Impact indicated that blogs drive website traffic.
People appreciate concrete personal stories
Magnify the human element by posting a personal story. They’re emotional and compelling, which will move people. People will know they are making a difference when they read personal stories. It serves as an affirmation for donors that their contribution matters.
Complement a story with a photo or video. Videos transport the reader to another place and strengthens their connection to the cause. These visual elements tie the piece together and satisfy the reader. Don’t forget to include a call to action. Just by commenting or sharing the story, they are contributing to a nonprofit’s cause.
Putting out fresh content retains donors
Maintaining a blog takes time, and it’s key to post regularly. According to Technorati, 40 percent of people spend more than three hours per week blogging. Nonprofit Hub suggested posting one post per week. It’s important for nonprofits to show they are active. By doing so, the organization is on supporters’ radars.
Blogs help nonprofit organizations stand out in the crowd and engage donors. Just a few hours a week blogging may make a huge difference.