DonorDirect is excited to celebrate a 3-year partnership with The Urban Alternative!
Ministry Overview
The Urban Alternative (TUA) is a global Christian Bible teaching and resource ministry that is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. TUA aims to spread the teaching of God’s Word through Christian media with the goal of transforming lives. They offer sermons, sermon outlines, books, prayers, Bible studies, and more on topics such as Christian living, marriage, discipleship, and spiritual growth, as taught by Dr. Tony Evans.
Where It All Started
Tony Evans was contacted by a radio show producer from Houston, Texas back in 1973 while he was attending Dallas Theological Seminary. The producer was seeking great preaching content to put on his program for free. At the time, Tony was a 24-year-old junior in the ThM program and was highly recommended by a professor to fill that role. Tony spent the next few years faithfully preaching into a microphone for a crowd unseen in Houston.
Nearly a decade later, Tony formed The Urban Alternative ministry in 1981 alongside his wife, Dr. Lois Evans. After several preaching engagements at the National Religious Broadcasters annual conference and an increase in radio broadcasts, the ministry grew nationally and internationally. The reach of Tony’s preaching now spans the world. His broadcasts air on more than 1,400 radio outlets and in over 130 countries, reaching millions each week.
Dr. Tony Evans founded and has served as the senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas for over 40 years and serves as president of The Urban Alternative. He was the first African American to graduate with a doctoral degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and he has served there in various capacities ever since. He also holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and Study Bible by an African American. Through his local church and national ministry, Dr. Evans promotes a Kingdom agenda philosophy that teaches God’s comprehensive rule over every sphere of life as demonstrated through the individual, family, church, and society.
Ministry and Impact
Dr. Tony Evans is one of the country’s most respected leaders in evangelical circles. As a pastor, teacher, author, and speaker, he serves the body of Christ through his unique ability to communicate complex theological truths through simple, yet profound, illustrations. While addressing the practical issues of today, Dr. Evans is known as a relevant expositor. New and veteran pastors alike regard him as a pastor of pastors and a father in the faith.
His daily radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard as a podcast and on the Tony Evans App. Dr. Evans has authored over 100 books, booklets, and Bible studies including his legacy work, Oneness Embraced, as well as his vision work, The Kingdom Agenda. His sermons are streamed and downloaded over 20 million times annually.
To help increase Bible literacy, not only in laypeople but also in those Christian leaders who cannot afford nor find the time for formal ongoing education, Dr. Evans launched the Tony Evans Training Center in 2017. This online learning platform provides quality seminary-style courses for a fraction of the cost to any person in any place. Additional leadership training programs include:
- The Kingdom Agenda Pastors provides a viable network for like-minded pastors who embrace the kingdom agenda philosophy.
- The Pastors’ Wives Ministry was founded by Dr. Lois Evans and provides counsel, encouragement, and spiritual resources for pastors’ wives as they serve with their husbands in the ministry.
The ministry also provides many community and cultural influence programs, including:
- National Church Adopt-A-School Initiative which prepares churches across the country to impact communities by using public schools as the primary vehicle for effecting positive social change in urban youth and families
- Athlete’s Impact exists as an outreach both into and through the sports arena. Athletes (whether professional or amateur) influence younger athletes and kids within their spheres of impact. The ministry has made it their aim to equip and train coaches and athletes on how to live out and utilize their God-given roles for the benefit of the kingdom.
- Tony Evans Films ushers in positive life change through compelling video shorts, animation, and feature-length films. Tony Evans Films released our first feature-length film, Kingdom Men Rising, in April 2019 in over 800 theaters nationwide, in partnership with Lifeway Films.
Discover More
DonorDirect is honored to come alongside Dr. Tony Evans and The Urban Alternative, and empower their team through software and services that are uniquely designed to support the wonderful work they accomplish every day. We encourage you to connect with this amazing ministry and learn more about how they seek to restore hope and transform lives through the proclamation and the application of the Word of God.